Our Impact

What We Do

Ndung’s Foundation Create life improving and development solutions in the fields of education, living condition, and health care, rehabilitation of disabled, agriculture and socio-economic areas purely on charitable basis within the limits of the resources available. We Initiate participatory process in development through supporting vulnerable impecunious people and strengthening them to become effective and sustainable entities.

Community Support

Provide support and help to the needy, widows, street children, persons living with disability and other impecunious societal groups.


Liaise with national and international likeminded organizations, people, churches and persons of good will to provide lasting solutions to poverty alleviation.


Serve as bridge between those who need help and individuals who aim to provide help to the needy.


Donate books, school bag, school uniform, general school needs for children living below poverty line.


Extend a hand of fellowship and love to the needy by listening and providing solutions to their plight.


Provide potable drinking water to communities.

Shelter & Food

Provide shelter, food and non-food items to the needy.

School Buildings

Rehabilitate old school buildings and create friendly learning spaces for children to enjoy quality education.

Life Standard

Undertake diverse activities that improve living conditions for vulnerable persons, families and communities.